Want your kids to have some fun and stay active over the break? We have your solution….
Bring your kids to SoccerCity’s Camp, ages 4 to 15* years welcome. The groups will be divided among age first and then ability by us. Children should come ready to listen, learn, and most of all HAVE FUN!!.
Spring Break Camp:
March 17th – 21st
Pre-registration pricing if registered and paid by March 14th*
Mornings (9am-12pm): $125 Pre-registration for 5 days
Afternoons (1pm-4pm): $125 Pre-registration for 5 days
All Day (9am-4pm): $225 Pre-registration for 5 days
*The above pricing is the pre-registration pricing rate. A late registration fee will be added if signing up or paying after the pre-registration deadline prior to each camp. ($150/$250 after March 14th)
Sign up online
Summer Camp Dates:
June 2nd – 6th (5 day, Pre-reg. ends 5/30)
June 16th – 20th (5 day, Pre-reg. ends 6/13)
June 30th – July 3rd (4 day, Pre-reg. ends 6/27)*
July 14th – 18th (5 day, Pre-reg. ends 7/11)
July 28th – August 1st (5 day, Pre-reg. ends 7/25)
Sign up online
Summer Half Day Camp Info:
Mornings (9am-12pm) or Afternoons (1pm-4pm)
Camp 3 (4-Day): $105 per camper Pre-registration / $130 Late Registration
Camps 1,2,4 & 5 (5-Day): $125 per camper Pre-registration / $150 Late Registration
All Day (9am-4pm)
Registration is open!
Registration is open until the camp starts.
Kids will need to wear sneakers or cleats, comfy clothes, and SHIN GUARDS which are mandatory. You will also need a refillable drink for multiple water breaks. Families will need to pack a snack or send snack money with the children each day for camp. (SNACKS/LUNCHES ARE NOT INCLUDED.)
An information email will be sent out the Sunday prior to each camp. If you have any questions that cannot wait until that email regarding camp, please email lilkickers@soccercityokcity.com.
* Camps are limited and WILL fill up *
* Once an age is FULL, registration will close for that age group*
* Anyone caught lying about age will be removed from camp with NO REFUND *
* NO REFUNDS after the Sunday of Camp week *
*Because camps are staffed by the registration numbers and if an age fills and no further families are allowed to register, camp days missed can not be credited or refunded*
Email lilkickers@soccercityokcity.com or call 405-748-3888